Monday, February 25, 2013

Share and Tell

Just like 'show and tell', the opportunity to share helpful educational websites that we discover in our web surfing, is fun and valuable.  A couple of weeks ago, Olivia shared Symbaloo - her designated 'go to' page.

Last week, I shared a neat writing tool to help students focus in on the main idea as well as develop catchy titles - The Newspaper Generator.  Here's my example!

And this week, I will share an interesting image 'annotation' tool called Thinglink - It is easy to do, so many students could create their own, but I share this one that a teacher did on Convection, Conduction, Radiation.  There's even a built in quiz.  I could see using this as a review tool that could be embedded on a web page for students to access or for students to demonstrate their learning about a topic in a creative way.